Friday, August 31, 2007

The Real Me or the Other Me

For those of you who might be wondering what's happening with us, I thought I'd start our Spain blog now and let you know what's going on. We are patiently waiting for our duplicate passports to be processed, after a couple iterations of passport photos, changes in the documents required, and Brian having to FedEx documents from Hong Kong! Hopefully we will have news on that next week. This seemed to be the best approach to deal with those at the Spanish Consulate, who are claiming that I need to apply for a complicated work visa which takes 2-8 months to process. In order to apply for the duplicate passports, we had to have a travel date, so we have purchased tickets out of Philadelphia direct to Barcelona on Monday October 1st. Once we have the duplicate passports, we can then go to the Spanish Consulate in NY again and submit all the paper work for the visas for me and the kids. We will try to convince them that the simpler research visa (which only takes a month to process) is adequate for what I'll be doing, but there's no guarantee that they will agree. In that case we can leave our original passports and documents with them and not worry about how long things take to process, and still travel to Spain on October 1st on the duplicate passports.

Stay tuned for any further changes to the plans we've already made. :) "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9