Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Packing Up

Just a quick note to let you know that we are packing up and getting ready to head out on Monday evening. We have an apartment rented in the center of Sitges for as long as we need it until we find a house. It turns out that the woman who is renting it to us also provides relocation services, and she will be a huge help to us. She has already contacted our realtor and is working with her to find us a house. We'll be arriving in Barcelona around 8:30am next Tuesday, and when we drive down to Sitges she will have the apartment ready for us with some food in it and everything!

Here is a picture we had taken of the kids to leave with friends and family (sorry I ran out!) Luke says "it's so you don't forget about us!"

Talk to you again soon!


The lady of the house... said...

just too sweet for words! i'm sure it's such a busy time of packing up and preparing for this new adventure! i'm currently in Raleigh for the week visiting a friend of mine. i've been thinking about you guys whenever i see that famous blue and white pass me by. it's beautiful down here. we're attending a Rita Springer conference this weekend and then just hanging out together. I have Luke with me, but Tyler stayed back home with Jake. Many, many blessings on all of you guys as you leave the US and plant yourselves in the soil of another country!

Karen & Stuart said...

Hi there,

Wanted to send Birthday greetings to Brian and say we are sorry that we could not get a card to him on time. Hope all is well with the move. Can't wait to get another update.

Saw Ana Henry this week and she said to say hello. Sent pics of the wedding this summer.

K & S