Monday, September 8, 2008

Swimming & Castellers

Hola!! Hola!!

Happy end of summer to you all! With the pool days coming to an end, I thought I had better post some swimming movies and pool pictures. The kids have had so much fun playing with our neighbor kids down at the pool. Here are Jackson and Luke loading their guns. Jackson is quite the fighter!
They love playing with our next-door neighbors, Marc and Miranda (who are Spanish). Here Marc is getting a good shot at Jackson.
And Luke is getting him back while Jackson refills!
More watergun fun. I had a movie of each of them swimming to show you, but the one of Luke kept giving me errors. I was so disappointed. So there are movies below of Caroline and Jackson swimming. You can see how far Caroline has come!!
Last Sunday evening we heard there was going to be a competition of Castellers in the main square in our town. So we went to check it out, and it was quite impressive! The word means castles, and it was literally castles of people! The different towns were in different colored clothing, so we stayed for about 30-45 minutes and were able to see a couple different towers. As we were looking up at them I realized the building in the square was really pretty at the top, so here's a picture of that.
And here is the beginning of one of the Castellers.
Going higher...
And higher...
And higher...
To the top. It was quite impressive!!

Over the past week we also went to a cookout, two birthday parties, and had some beautiful days at the beach. We met up with two girls on Sunday who just arrived in Barcelona with the Brethern Colleges Abroad program from E-town College! They went to church with us and then we had a nice lunch outside near Port Olympic.

Brian, and Glenn & Janice Burkhart arrive on Wednesday, so we're really excited to see all of them! I'll fill you in on our time with them next week.

Adios for now!
Con amor,

1 comment:

Jessica said...

those are awesome movies, tonya! so fun to see how they're doing. wish we could come when it is warm enough to swim! but can't wait nonetheless!