Thursday, October 16, 2008


Fieldtrip #1: The zoo! Last Friday we took the kids to the zoo for a fieldtrip, with plans to actually read the signs and learn more about the animals. :) Brian hadn't really been all throughout the zoo yet, so the kids had fun showing him around. First stop, the flamingos.
Flamingo Luke.
Next stop, the cats. One of Caroline's favorites: the jaguar.
One of Luke's favorites: the meerkats.
They all like the hippos.
The big guy. What an interesting body shape.
Every trip to the zoo requires a stop at Noah's Ark. Here's Jackson the elephant, Caroline the monkey, and Luke the camel.
We stopped for a snack on the upper walkway by the giraffes, and this guy wanted some of our food.
The kids liked having Brian tell them about all of the animals.
Caroline continuing with the monkey theme.
The zoo closed at 7pm, and on our way out we saw them setting up for a wedding! I couldn't believe it. Now there's a new idea.
It was a very pretty setting!
Fieldtrip #2: Exploring the Parc del Garraf. There are a number of beautiful Natural Parks near our town, and we've been wanting to explore them for quite some time. So on Sunday after church the kids and I took a road up through the hills/mountains of Parc del Garraf. We saw some rock climbers, stopped for a picnic with a nice view over the sea and Port Ginesta, saw a bunch of great trails for hiking (took a short hike), and came upon a Buddhist Temple in the middle of no-where! We had heard it was there, but weren't sure exactly how to find it.
It is apparently the only Buddhist Temple in all of Catalonia.

There was a nice courtyard there, a store, a restaurant, some fountains, and flags.
There was also a big garden area with lots of walking paths and this structure in the middle.
We followed one path through the woods, curious to see what we would find...
and we found a pond with some cool rock formations all around it.
In the pond there were turtles,
lots of fish, and ducks!
The kids found big dried leaf things to use as swords.
Instead of driving back the way we came, we decided to find our way through the Parc back to Sitges. What I didn't realize was that the roads soon turned into dirt roads, and we had a very bumpy ride home. The kids loved it. We finally came over the crest of a hill and had this view of Sitges and the sea in the distance.
Fieldtrip #3: Parc del Foix. We had heard from a number of people that there was a nice castle on a lake less than 30 minutes away that was a nice place for a visit. On our drive through Parc del Garraf on Sunday we picked up some information on all of the local Natural Parks, and realized that the castle with the lake was in Parc del Foix. So we headed there today, and this is the castle that we found! The kids said it was a good guys' castle, they were sure.
As we walked around the grounds there were some nice views of the lake and small village by the castle. However, we learned that the castle is only open to the public on the weekends. We'll have to go back.
Up the hill from the castle was the old church.
The boys sitting by a beautiful old door at the church.
A cemetery between the church and castle.
The bells of the church, which we heard ringing a couple times.
The kids found a nice shady spot to sit.
I had brought our home-school books along, so we stopped for a little school near the castle over-looking the lake.
Luke wanted to show you the workbook he was working on.
The flies got pretty bad while we were sitting there (thanks to the grape harvest, so I hear), so we eventually moved on to a different spot for our picnic. We followed a road that went down near the lake and found a great cool, fly-less spot with a view of the castle across the water. There wasn't another soul around! Unfortunately this is the only picture I have of the picnic, ha!!
Here was the view through the trees.
On our way out of town we stopped for another nice shot of the castle. We look forward to going back again sometime!
We are now preparing for my Aunt Mary's arrival on Monday!! We can't wait for her to come visit! Brian should be arriving the same day. I'm sure I'll have more to report then.
Have a great weekend and we'll talk to you again soon!
Con mucho amor,

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