Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

The day before Jess & Chad arrived Luke lost a tooth! He was so excited to show you. Right away he said "Mom! Take a picture for the blog!"
Nothing like a close-up. Keep this picture in your mind and we'll come back to it later. :)
He also wanted to show you the lobster that he built out of k'nex - very cool!
On the walk into town there is a large carving of "SITGES" that the kids like to climb on. Here Caroline is in the G.

Here's the large version.
All three of them by the E, for Esme! But she was hiding. :)
Jess & Chad arrived on Thursday, and by Saturday we had them working hard harvesting olives. :) We had a beautiful day out at our neighbor's masia. They had a record-breaking olive harvest this year, and we'll get to enjoy the oil in another month or two.
After a nice lunch we loaded the kids into the wagon for a ride down to the next field where we were going to work. Here's Esme, Emily, Luke, Jackson, Molly and Caroline.
And Farmer Tim. :)
The kids helped to pick olives for a little while, but it wasn't long until they were off and playing.
Cousins in the bathtub. :)
Riding to church on the train Sunday morning, Esme was all set with her sunglasses.
On Monday we had our Thanksgiving dinner! We did this so that we had the flexibility to travel somewhere later in the week. We're planning to leave tomorrow to drive down the coast to see the castle at Pensicola and then on to Valencia. While Chad & Brian were stuffing the turkey I had the kids making turkey placemats for everyone.

Here's the one Caroline made for me, I loved it!

Luke's turkey.

Caroline's second turkey.

Esme's turkey.

Jack's turkey.

Brian, Chad & Jess made a WONDERFUL dinner of turkey, roasted sweet potato wedges, salad, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, and Annette had made cranberry applesauce for us - it was all very yummy! We had a great time. That afternoon some friends stopped by, and then we took Jess & Chad along to small group that night. What a fun day!

And THEN, during lunch today, another one of Luke's teeth fell out!!

Notice the now wider gap. :)
We sent Jess, Chad & Brian into the city today. The kids all have a cough, and Luke actually slept 14 hours last night! But he seems much better today. They're resting up for our little trip south tomorrow. We hope you all have a very special Thanksgiving Day on Thursday with family and friends. We're thankful for all of you!!
Hugs and kisses,

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