Sunday, December 21, 2008

Jackson's 3rd Birthday!

Happy Birthday Jackson!!

On Sunday, December 14th we had Jackson's 3rd birthday party here at our house. Because he is so into castles and knights we looked all over for a castle where we could have his party, but it just didn't work out. Then when we were on our trip to the south of Spain every time we saw a castle he said "Maybe we can have by biwtday pawty at that castle!" Sorry bud. Brian's comment: "He's only 3, he won't remember anyway." Good point.

Caroline, Adam, Luke and Mya sitting at the table eating pizza with the Birthday Boy.
Miquel wants in on the pizza action!
Cake time! Miss Annette made him a soldiers and knights yummy chocolate birthday cake! toys.
Better view of the cake.
Surprisingly, he was a bit shy with all of the attention, which we were not expecting! Here Maresa finally got him to show his pirate face.

After the cake the kids had a treasure hunt. We had gotten each of the kids a playmobile figure, and they had to read clues to find where each child's gift was hidden. They really had fun with this!

Brian, Annette, Maresa & Mark...the only problem is I don't remember why they were laughing. :)

Brian didn't have time to make a knight pinata, but he had actually helped the kids each make a pinata a while ago as an art project. So he painted a knight on 2 of them, and filled them with candy. The first one was for anyone age 3-5 to hit (rules made by Luke).

Mya taking a turn.
The second pinata was hit by anyone age 6, which didn't take too long. :) More candy for everyone.

Caroline got a pretty good stash (and was wearing her pretty new flamenco dress!)
Joan made sure that none of the good candy got away. :)

And his brother was happy with the cookies.

Next up - present time! Jackson was VERY excited about everything he opened.

He had just opened more knights and soldiers. :)

Brian and Josep talking about Barca.

Teresa, Miquel & Joan.
Mya was showing us how she learned to twist her tongue. Ha! She actually lives a couple doors down from us and has been a great friend to the kids. Caroline said she will miss her when we leave Spain.

We'll talk to you all again soon - FELIZ NAVIDAD!!!
Con mucho amor,

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