Thursday, January 22, 2009

Castillo de Tamarit


Now that the holidays are over and Brian is away, we have been getting back into the routine of things. After a good week of home-school, Spanish class, gymnastics, and futbol, we decided to go castle hunting last Saturday. We had heard about a great castle about 40 minutes from our house, so we decided to pack a lunch and go find it. It was a gorgeous day, and we had SO much fun exploring. I skimmed over the directions on the computer before we left, figuring I knew the general direction and that surely there would be a sign. HA HA! Not so, but luckily we drove back a little side road through a campground and found this gorgeous spot!
This is Castillo de Tamarit, between Altafulla and Tarragona along the Mediterranean. And here is Flat Stacy posing with the kids - she has rabbit ears thanks to Luke. I think Jackson has already shifted into knight mode, which happens when we visit castles. :)
The castle wasn't actually open for tours, but it can be reserved for weddings and big events. There were some really nice trails, so we went on a little hike.

View of an interesting rock island that you could walk out onto from the beach by the castle.

Three nice kids on the island.

Three looney kids on the island. :)

While we were having lunch on the island we saw 2 people on horseback riding along the sea.
Horse and riders up close.
And off they go. So beautiful!
View of the castle by the sea from the island.
Three nice kids eating dessert.
Three looney kids eating dessert.
We then realized that you could see the Altafulla castle in the background, so I tried to get a picture of both of them.
Back toward the parking area there were lots of fun little caves and archways to walk through, stuff kids love.

We then walked around to the beach on the other side of the castle (where the horses were), and found some fun places to climb and play.

Jackson went to peak in the little "house", and he said it was a "trashy house" - I guess there was glass and litter in there.

Picture of the bell tower from the beach.

Another view from the other side.

There's nothing like a wide open beach that will make the shoes and socks come off, and the kids run wild.

Oh yeah, Flat Stacy! Caroline thought she might like to play in the sand.

Woohoo! I'm making a sand angel!

Caroline liked being in charge of her.

I love pictures of the three of them playing by the sea.

Caroline practiced writing her name.

More playing.

Luke drew our family, complete with rocks for eyes and noses.

As you can see, they were completely covered in sand from head to toe by the time we left! This spot was such a fun and surprising find. We all said we definitely want to go back, and it ranks up there as one of our favorite sea-side spots.
I posted two movies below - one from when we were having lunch on the island, and one of the kids playing in the sand.
Hope you are having a great week - Happy 40th Birthday this week to my old sister Tina!! :) Love to you all,

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