Sunday, February 15, 2009

Birthday, Hike & Basketball

Hola todos!!

Hope you all had a nice weekend! We had a gorgeous day on Saturday, so the kids and I took a hike. Here is a view of our town of Sitges from the trail. More on that later, I just had to start the blog with this photo. :)
Feliz Cumpleanos Caroline!! Caroline turned 5 on Thursday, February 12th. Brian wasn't home, but my aunt and uncle Toots & Dale arrived that morning, and we had Mya and her parents over to have a little party with Caroline's choice: donuts instead of cake!
Caroline opening ladybug tea set from Pop-pop and Grammy.
Great new clothes from Auntie Nellie and Uncle Josh.
A mermaid doll from Luke and Jackson.
And a jacket and make-over set from Auntie Tootsie and Uncle Dale! What fun gifts!!
Saying thank-you to Auntie Tootsie.
Saying thank-you to neighbor Maresa.
Having fun with the make-over gift from Auntie Tootsie, a nail/tattoo/sticker set!
Then on Saturday, the kids and I set off on a hike from the top of the neighborhood Llevantina to the Ermita de la Trinitat, a beautiful setting on the edge of the mountain where I had been to a birthday party.
View of the port from the trail.
View of Sitges from the hike - just beautiful.
Jackson did not want any help, since he's big and huge you know. :)
First lunch stop - Luke enjoying his sandwich along the trail.
Caroline with her favorite - jello.

Hiker Jackson eating his jelly sandwich, yep - just jelly.

Luke did a great job being the leader of the hike, and they all had fun looking for the red and white paint to make sure we were on the right path.

Second lunch stop.

Loved this sign in the middle of nowhere!

On the path to the Ermita. We thought it just HAD to be right over the hill. :)

We found it!!

At the very end of the path, right along the edge with views of the sea all around, was this great gazebo.

Lunch stop number 3. Finishing off the gummy bears!

Smiling Luke.

And smiling Caroline! I asked her why she didn't smile like that for her birthday pictures, and she said she didn't know she was supposed to. :)

Jackson running around the gazebo in circles.
Caroline taking a siesta and preparing for the return hike. I love this picture.

Group shot thanks to the self-timer.

Great places to explore and play at the Ermita.

Kids outside the Ermita.
Funny face picture.

Gorgeous day, pretty flowers.

Luke peeking through the stone hand-rail.

Caroline's turn.

Last but not least - Jackson with rabbit ears.

Beautiful spot with breath-taking views.

Caroline by the wall of seashells - still all smiles!

The walk home started off as a parade, which helped to distract them from the journey ahead.

Made it to the Sitges sign and stopped for a snack.

We found Sitges again!!

This is my favorite, they were saying "We made it!!" I was SO proud of them! They actually said the return trip wasn't so bad and went by really fast. :)

Incredible views of Sitges.

Then today, Brian arrived at the Girona airport at 8.30 in the morning, took a bus to BCN, and met us at church! The kids didn't know he was getting home today - so it was a great surprise. I then surprised all of them with tickets to the Barca basketball game. We went with Josep & Joan, and had a great time!

The player in blue & red near the middle of the picture is Daniel Santiago, who we had actually met at our church a few weeks ago. When he's in the off-season they have a place in Sarasota, small world!

There are also two videos posted below, one of Jackson showing his different pirate faces, and one of the kids at the Ermita on Saturday.

Toots and Dale left on Friday morning for Italy until Wednesday. When they return we will spend a few days around here, have Caroline's birthday party on the beach in town, and then take a short trip to the Costa Brava. We're looking forward to a fun time with them.

Take care and God bless you all -


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