Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hasta Luego Sitges!

Hola amigos!!!!!

We hope you are doing well!! We really miss everyone in Sitges and Barcelona. We're sending lots of hugs and kisses your way. I was hoping to post pictures of our hasta luego fiesta before leaving Sitges, we are. We've now been back in the US 10 days and it's been a bit loco, to say the least! So anyway, for those of you who would like to see a few pictures from the past week: here is Caroline on her first day of pre-school, which was St. Patrick's day. She was thrilled to get a bag of sweeties! She told me tonight that she loves school, and her teacher said she is doing great!
When Luke came home from school we decided to go for a walk because it was the first day that it was sunny and warm! Luke is also doing SO WELL in school. He jumped right in and made friends, has a nice teacher, rides the bus, and really likes all of his classes. We really miss having him around during the day, but he seems to really enjoy school!
We were walking to a neighboring farm to see their pregnant sheep and some cows, and I got such a kick out of hearing Luke and Caroline talk about their days at school.
Okay, now back up a few weeks to our last week in Spain. Our pastor Dan and his wife Kathy from our church in BCN stopped by one day to bring Caroline home from a play date and take some filled suitcases for us!!! Their daughter lives about an hour from us in PA, and they were flying into Philadelphia the SAME day we were! How incredible. So they took 3 suitcases for us!
They're really great people...maybe a little goofy. :)
Taking pictures during dinner one night.
Other side of the table. I think Luke had already cleared his plate and gone to play.
When she wants her picture taken, we take it. :) Doesn't happen very often!
Luke went through a phase where he really didn't want to play in his futbol games, but the last few weeks we were there he really wanted to play, so we made sure that happened! His last game was the morning of our hasta luego fiesta.
After his game we went to the Palau del Rei Moro in old town Sitges to set up for the party. Miss Annette helped us to find this AMAZING place to have the fiesta!

Jackson LOVED the strawberries and cream.
People visiting in the outdoor courtyard.
This is the place where the castellers practice (the people towers). This net had a whole in the middle where the people climb up through to practice the towers.
Me, Ellen & Annette. Annette put us in contact with Ellen, Arthur & their boys when we first arrived, and they ended up being great friends of ours.
My American running friends - Ellen, Kim, and Suzanne, with Caroline and Kirsten peeking through.
Uncle Yves and Kim's husband Alvaro.
Jacqueline, Jim, Arthur, Daron & Nicole - their sons Dylan, Sean, Nathan, and Nil were all friends of Luke. They are from England, Australia and Germany - we just loved meeting people from all over the world.
Me, Lisaneas, Patricia and Brian - our wonderful small group leaders from Brazil.
Josep, Teresa, Miquel, Brian, Jackson and me - our special friends from Barcelona who taught us SO much about Catalonia and all of its history and festivals.
Miss Annette and her sweet little friend from Barcelona.
Annette made one of her amazing chocolate cakes complete with fireworks!!
Arthur & Ellen, great friends who were so easy to connect with. Their son Sean and Luke decided to have a sleep-over later this night, our last night in Sitges!!
Luke's friends Dylan and Nathan.
Pilar and Miquel - eating something good!
The kids had fun playing in all of the nets outside.
Me, Yves, and my Tarheel friend Sarah.
Around 5.30pm the castellers came to practice, and some of us stayed to watch - it was really interesting!
Some of the kids who climb up on the very top are really small. I didn't realize how much practice actually went into this.

Annette had also made cupcakes for the kids, which Luke was VERY excited about.
Jackson said "I wike these!!"
Miss Annette and Caroline.
So we will always remember!

Sunday morning we went to church in BCN to say hasta luego to more friends there. Miss Anca was the kids' teacher that morning.

We went out for lunch with Anca and Bogdan, our Romanian friends. Luke and Bogdan were playing futbol at the table. :) Every Sunday during the greeting time, Luke would say "Mom, I'm going to go find the futbol player!" He and Bogdan would talk about whether their teams won that week.
Caroline had fun hanging out with Anca.
Crazy pirates!

Sweet Jackson.
We had such a fun time, it was hard to say "hasta luego"! We then went back to Sitges to meet with our landlords, pack up the car, say a sad hasta luego to our neighbors, and head to Madrid for the night. Our flight was 11.30am out of Madrid on Monday the 9th.
We finally made it to Madrid around 2.30am! After a couple hours of sleep and a few issues at the airport, the kids and I finally got on the flight to Philadelphia. Brian wasn't able to get on our flight, but was able to get on a flight into NY 2 hours later, and we were all together in PA later that night.

Caroline reading the safety instructions. :)
Luke was happy to be going back to Pennsylvania to see his cousins...

but sad to leave his friends in Spain. :(

Amazing views of mountains as the plane left Madrid.
And more snow-capped mountains.

Now that we've been back in our house dealing with mice and their deposits, along with other difficult things in the house and yard, life in Sitges seems like it was a dream!!! We feel so blessed to have made so many amazing friends in the time we were there, and we really can't wait to come back and visit you all.

God bless you all!!

Con mucho amor,


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