Friday, February 1, 2008

Life in Sitges

Hola! Greetings from Sitges! I realized that I haven't posted many pictures recently of life in Sitges, so I thought I'd show you some from this past week. We have been having the most beautiful weather, and we've been told it's unseasonably warm...I just hope it stays this way for our visitors! As I mentioned last week we've been enjoying some picnic lunches at the beach. Our latest routine is that Brian bikes into town and meets us at the pirate ship playground. Then I take Tarheel for a run along the paseo while the kids play, and then we all have a picnic lunch together by the sea! We've been spoiled having him around so long. As I write this he's working on a Thomas the Tank Engine pinata for Caroline's birthday party. :)
It's amazing how long the kids can sit in the dirt and play with diggers!
Here you can see the sea in the background. This particular day we met a Norwegian family at the playground who invited us to their house the following evening to watch the opening Carnival ceremony along the sea from their terrace. It was a really nice group of people, and we had a great time connecting with them. We believe that every "chance" meeting and situation is for a reason!
We had also called our friend Miss Annette to see if she was out and about, and she stopped by with her dogs. Caroline and Jackson helped her take them for a walk. :)
Here's Jackson running back! He says "Wook Mom, I wun fast!!"
I know you've seen this shot lots of times, but I couldn't resist another photo of the Sitges Cathedral by the sea on another gorgeous day!
Tonight we had chocolate mousse for dessert, and Jackson loved it. Brian likes to get them lots of fun surprises when he does the grocery shopping. :)
I've been wanting to show you a picture of the door leading into our kitchen, it's all the Christmas photos we received. Thanks so much to all of you for sending them, and know that we think of you all the time when we walk into the kitchen (which is all day long)!
Tomorrow is Luke's second futbol match, and we're all looking forward to that! Hope you all have a great weekend.
Con mucho amor!

1 comment:

Elaines said...

Thanks so much for keeping up with this blog, Tonya. I feel like I'm vicariously living in Europe through you! Seriously though, it really sounds like you guys are making the most of your time there. Blessings!
Tonya M