Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sundays in Barcelona #13 - Diagonal Mar

Hola Familia y Amigos! We hope you all have had a great week! After being in the US for two weeks, then having jet-lag for two weeks, and then being in the Canary Islands for a week, this was a week of getting back into our routine here. The best part was that Brian was on call all week and they didn't use him! Two different days we packed a lunch and headed to the beach to play. Wednesday Caroline had her best day at "bydnastics" yet, Thursday Luke did great at futbol, and said he wanted to play in the actual game on Saturday. Up until now we had only been going to the practices on Thursday evenings. So we went to the game Saturday at 10am, and enjoyed a beautiful morning by the sea watching futbol! Luke had a great time, and as you can see a tiny bit in the back of this picture, the scenery was gorgeous!

This is Luke's team carrying the goal post after the game, I thought it was a cute picture! Luke is the second one from the right.
After his game we headed to Barcelona to have a birthday lunch with Josep & Teresa, because it was Teresa's birthday! They suggested we meet at Diagonal Mar, which is a relatively new area along the sea with a nice mall and beautiful outdoor terrace with lots of restaurants and running space for the kids. We had a great time! After we ate we went inside to a kid's play area at the mall, and as you can see, the kids loved it. Here is Caroline beside a mussle.

We bribed them away from the play area with the racing car shopping carts before it was time to leave. :) So the title isn't exactly correct, because our fun day in Barcelona was Saturday. Sunday we did go in again for church, but came home for the afternoon because Luke's futbol team was supposed to have team photos taken at 3:45pm. We showed up at that time and there was a game going on...half-time came and went, and finally an hour later the game was over and they started presenting all of the kids in the futbol school by team. We were actually VERY impressed, it was a really nice ceremony!
Here is Luke's team being escorted in by the Sitges A team, which we found out is the best team in Sitges. They had a game after the presentation of the futbol teams. We had such a nice time there that we ended up staying for the entire game after the ceremony.
Here is a shot of all of the teams on the field, isn't that amazing? Luke's team is in yellow in the front.

And a close-up of Luke.
And finally, this is Jackson during the ceremony! He was pretending to be a monster. He has really been saying some funny things. We think he is completely ready to be potty trained, because after he poops he comes to me right away and says "Change me Mom. Change me Mom. Change me Mom. Change me Mom...NOW!" At the futbol game tonight he had a meltdown about something, and then after a few minutes he came to me and said "I done cwying now." He also loves to pretend to make me things, he'll come up to me and say "Hey Mom, you want coffee? I make you coffee. You want a sawad? I make you a sawad. Eat it! You want some chocwat? Hewe you go!" And he still loves to pretend to go to work at the airport and come home and have everyone make a big fuss over him. "Hola! I home!! How you doin'?"
This week is another quiet week. We're getting things organized in the house and itineraries worked on for our two sets of guests in February! February 8-12 the Walter family from Landisville is coming, and February 16-22 friends of mine from college (Becky & Patience) are coming with their husbands. We are really looking forward to our time with them!
We hope you have a peaceful and relaxing week.
Con abrazos,

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