Sunday, January 6, 2008

Sundays in Barcelona #10 and #11

Feliz Ano Nuevo!!

After all the Christmas postings I realized I didn't say anything about Sundays in Barcelona #10, which the highlight of was seeing the kids singing "Joy to the World" and "Go Tell it on the Mountain" in the Christmas choir at church. They were SO CUTE! So I had to post a picture from that. We actually stayed at church for both services, and then came home to pack because we left the next morning for Pennsylvania. That was about it for #10.

A highlight of this week was on Friday when all SIX boxes of Christmas gifts arrived from the US. The kids found their new rain gear (matching coats and boots), and wanted to pose for a picture. Now I just hope it rains. :) Here in Catalonia they celebrate the Dia de Reis (Day of the Kings), when the three wise men bring gifts to baby Jesus. So on Friday night a royal postman came to town and all the children were to drop off letters to the three kings (similar to letters to Santa). Then on Saturday night there was a big parade with lots of royal people and the arrival of the three kings. They give LOTS of candy to the kids. I tried to get a picture of this but it was kind of difficult. Along with the picture of the parade is what Jackson was doing during the parade. :) He got lots of smiles. We went to the parade in Sitges, but heard that the event is spectacular in Barcelona where they arrive by boat. The families then gather for dinner the next day (today, which is the actual Dia de Reis). Josep & Teresa invited us to join them and their families at their home in Barcelona for this, which was very fun (Sundays in Barcelona #11). The next picture is of the gathering, but I accidentally cut off Luke & Caroline, sorry. We had a wonderful meal, and then the traditional dessert was a round kind of ring cake with fruit (which was very good). Hidden inside the cake are two things: (1) a small king (whoever gets this in their piece wears a crown and is king for the day), and (2) something like a lima bean (whoever gets this in their piece has to pay for the cake). Josep's 95-year-old Grandmother found the king in her piece! And Teresa found the bean. Josep & Teresa also gave the kids each a really nice gift and a bag of traditional Catalan candy. We had a great time with them, and had fun trying to speak Spanish.

That's it for tonight. Much love to you all and have a great week!


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