Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Christmas 2007

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo!

We hope you all had a wonderful time over the holidays with family and friends, we sure did! I'm going to have to back up a bit and show you some pictures from Jack's birthday first. I meant to do that before we left for the States and I just ran out of time. We ended up having his party at our house because it was a bit too windy and cold to be on the beach that day (25 mph winds!) We had a GREAT time celebrating with our friends here. The first picture is of his party and the beautiful chocolate cake made by our friend Miss Annette. The next two pictures are of opening and playing with his gifts, there were lots of diggers for everyone. :) He LOVES them! The evening of his birthday we went into Sitges for Christmas caroling at Cap de la Villa, which the kids really enjoyed.

On to Pennsylvania! The kids and I arrived on Monday the 17th, and had a really good flight over. We stayed with my sister Nellie & her husband Josh, and the first picture is of the kids playing with them after work. The first week we spent some time visiting with family and neighbors, had a surprise 40th anniversary party for my parents, went to a Christmas Eve service at our church (on the 22nd), and had a 70th birthday party for Grandpa Les. Brian arrived late on Christmas Eve, and we were together with my family that day/night. The pictures at my parents house are of the kids listening to the Christmas story, Jackson placing baby Jesus in the manger, and Caroline posing with her Santa hat. The next three pictures are of Christmas Day at Brian's parents house: peaking at Grandma's stockings, Jackson opening his presents, and the kids sleeping over in a tent.

We are sorry we didn't get to visit with everyone, but had a great time connecting with those we were able to see. The next couple of pictures show some of the things we were able to do the week of Christmas. Luke was happy to see his cousin Ryan, and we were able to see Great Grandma & Grandpa King, who presented Luke and I with a beautifully carved horse (for Luke) and giraffe (for me). Grandpa King is well known throughout the county for his wood carvings. We also had a surprise 60th birthday tea party for Grammy, and visited with the Walter kids from our neighborhood in Landisville. Over this past weekend we were at a lodge near Bucknell University with 50+ relatives from the Sharp family, which is always a highlight of the holiday season. The next picture is of five of the seven 2-year-olds born in the Sharp family in 2005. And finally, the last picture is of Luke & Caroline sleeping on the flight back to Barcelona! Brian was able to get us in business class which made for a very nice trip home! Business class was empty on New Year's Eve, I wonder why! :) We figured anyone who could afford business class was out celebrating somewhere.

Everyone seems happy to be back to our Catalonia home, and Tarheel was VERY happy to see all of us. The sun is shining and we're enjoying Brian being home for a couple more days. Lots of love to you all and Feliz Ano Neuvo!! Thanks to all of you who sent Christmas greetings, they will be on our fridge so we can remember you every day.



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