Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter Everyone!!
We headed to the beach for some play time and a picnic this week before we head to PA on Monday where there might be snow this weekend. Yikes! Hopefully it will be warmer before we get there. :)
I am amazed at how long the kids can sit and play in the sand with a bag full of diggers. It's our favorite thing to do here.

Well Luke is a typical 5-year-old boy. When choosing teams for his NCAA pool this week he kept choosing Butler to win because it sounded like "butt". Oh brother!
On Thursday we painted Easter eggs! The kids did great.
Here are the finished products.
Today (Saturday) Miss Annette came over and we had our Easter dinner! We had steak, chicken, seasoned potato wedges, roasted vegetables, baked macaroni and cheese, dates wrapped in bacon and bread. We had a wonderful time, and we were stuffed!
But not too stuffed for Miss Annette's famous chocolate cake! It was very yummy.
We hope you all have a blessed Easter as you celebrate what Christ did for us on the cross this weekend with family and friends. We'll be in PA for the next 10-14 days (flying back stand-by so we'll see when we get back here!) We'll be in touch again then. God bless you all, we're thankful for all of you!
With love,
Tonya & family

1 comment:

The lady of the house... said...

ok, that cracks me the heck up about Luke and the "butt" thing, but maybe i shouldn't say "crack" and "butt" in the same sentence!!! i hope i get to see you for a bit while you're here!