Thursday, April 10, 2008

We're back!

Hola Familia y Amigos! We hope this finds you all doing well. We had a great time over the past two weeks visiting with family and friends in PA. Before we get to that, I wanted to include a photo from Easter morning on our way out to church.
On to the US! Here is one of Jackson's sleeping poses on our flight to PHL after connecting in Munich, Germany.
Once we arrived the kids were pleased to find Easter baskets at Auntie Nellie's, Easter baskets at Uncle Charlie & Aunt Shirley's, and Easter baskets from Grandma. Here we are visiting with Uncle Charlie & Aunt Shirley, our neighbors in Landisville.
Lots of fun stickers, books and candy were found throughout their house. :)
Here Pop-pop is making Jackson laugh.
Lots of family came over to Josh & Nellie's to watch the Tarheels play! It was more fun than watching them in the middle of the night by myself in Spain!
We had fun visiting cousin Esme and Aunt Jess one afternoon. Here the kids are playing trains with Esme.

And here they are playing in a tent that Esme gave to Caroline for her birthday.
The kids spent a fun afternoon at Uncle Dave & Aunt Sandy's house. Here they are watching Monster's Inc. with cousin Emily. He looks scared...
but luckily was laughing too.
They spent some time with Jess & Esme at the playground near Sandy & Dave's house. Sandy took lots of great pictures and I got copies of them! Here's Esme on a slide.
Jackson climbing with Aunt Jess's help.

The kids making a train down the slide (or at least trying to!)
Caroline hanging on the monkey bars.
Cousins on the see-saw.
Esme swinging...what a cutie.
Caroline swinging and giggling.

And while all this swinging was going on, Jackson was busy "working" with his sticks. :)
Emily and Caroline swinging.
And Luke & Derek getting lots of exercise playing video games. :) Look at Sandy and Dave's poor trashed house!
Jackson being a lazy boy.
We also had a fun sleep-over one night with cousins Isaac & Juliana at Nellie & Josh's house. Here's Isaac and Jackson in the morning.

And Caroline, Luke & Juliana.
We had fun visiting Hannah, Ella & Jared Murray one morning.
Jack the Builder! We were invited to a FUN birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese for our neighbor Nadia from Landisville! Nadia and her family were at Caroline's birthday party at the beach here in Sitges, so it was perfect that we were in town for her birthday as well. Now they are both four.
Here they are playing a game where they try to knock ducks out, lovely huh!
And look at this sweet girl praying before eating her pizza in the middle of Chuck E. Cheese, with no one prompting her to do it.

Here's a shot of the whole gang, even baby Corbin! :)
Nadia blowing out her birthday candles.
And Zachary, Luke and Reese, happy to be together again.
Nadia is showing us her new birthday ring from Caroline, and I'm not sure what Caroline is doing!
Here's Caroline on a ride...cute outfit, huh?! She dressed herself. :)

Nadia and her Mom Kathleen.
Another day we visited more neighbors in Landisville, Emily & Sam. They live right across the driveway from our house.
Back at Josh & Nellie's here's the Grammy train with Caroline, cousin Juliana, Luke, cousin Ezra, Jackson, and cousin Isaac.
We managed to hit another birthday party on our last night in town as well! It's always fun to see cousins Sydney, Ryan and Tyler (and share some birthday homemade strawberry pie!)
Here's Jackson on the flight back to Spain. This boy is born to fly!

Jackson had fun finding all of the surprises in the Delta bag. Ha!
And Luke as well.
Caroline getting ready for a snooze on the flight.
Back in Spain, we picked up Tarheel and headed to the beach. We had a great time just relaxing and playing. The next morning we had a pancake breakfast and Luke wanted me to show you the HUGE pancake he ate.
Caroline wanted me to show you that she ate her's into the shape of a C.

Thanks to those of you who had us over for meals or play time, let us use your van, stay in your house, watched the kids, gave them Easter candy, and on and on. It was a busy but very fun visit. We're thinking of those of you who are sick, had surgery, were in the hospital, or making major decisions, we'll be praying for all of you!
God bless you all and we'll talk to you again soon once we recover from jetlag. It's 2:15am here and Jackson is sitting on my lap as I type this!
Lots of love,

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