Tuesday, April 15, 2008

A Tribute to Uncle Charlie

Our dear neighbor and friend, Uncle Charlie, passed away on Saturday, April 12, 2008. He would have been 89 years old in July, and he and Shirley would have been married 57 years in June. Wow, that's a long time. He will be dearly missed. We were so fortunate to have been able to visit with him at home on March 26th and in the hospital on April 6th before flying back to Spain on the 7th. Even though his body had deteriorated, his mind was still sharp and I still thought he would probably be around by the time we came home next. It was quite a shock to get the phone call that he passed away. We have so many great memories with him. This is a picture from Barney's where we went for dinner and miniature golfing last summer.
In the summer of 2004 Uncle Charlie said he wanted to take Luke miniature golfing, and so we had an outing to Scoops for some golfing and of course ice cream. Luke absolutely loved it.
Uncle Charlie with Caroline when she was a baby, visiting at their home. He had one brother, two sons, and four grandsons, so Caroline was his little girl.
Uncle Charlie came over to hang out with Luke one day and the two of them sat in our big chair in the family room.
The kids always asked Uncle Charlie & Aunt Shirley to read to them, and always received lots of books from them as gifts.
They came over one night after Jackson was born with lots of gifts for everyone. They always made ALL the kids feel special. Charlie was so funny with his little camera, always taking pictures of the kids.
I believe this is from Easter 2005, Uncle Charlie reading a book to Caroline that they had gotten her.
It was actually a sticker book so he helped her decorate her shirt with stickers.

Uncle Charlie is helping Luke open a birthday gift. They just spoiled the kids with gifts for every occasion. I'm sure one of them made him wear the lei. :)

Celebrating Charlie's birthday with them at their house, with neighbor and friend Thelma.
Uncle Charlie, Aunt Shirley, and another neighbor Aunt Arlene at Jackson's 1-year luau at the indoor waterpark at Willow Valley resort.
Jackson sporting his new outfit from Uncle Charlie & Aunt Shirley. Charlie even picked it out himself.
Uncle Charlie is helping Luke read the directions to something, I believe on Christmas Eve, 2006. We went to church together and then exchanged gifts. One of my favorite Uncle Charlie stories is from that Christmas. Shirley said they were sitting there watching TV and a commercial came on for that year's Hess trucks, which came with helicopters I believe. She said before the commercial was even over, he stood up and walked out the door (didn't say a word). He thought the boys needed to have them and went right away to buy them!

Charlie wanted to take us out for a nice dinner with their family before we moved to Spain. I believe it was in August, 2007. We really had a wonderful time.
One of the kids took this picture when we were home visiting over Christmas this past year.
We again went to church together for Christmas Eve and then exchanged gifts at their house. Uncle Charlie & Jackson are looking at the calendar we made for them.
And this is our last visit with him at their house, March 26th, 2008. We have a tradition of eating dinner from Isaac's together, so we did that and then the kids hunted for Easter baskets and gifts around their house. Here Uncle Charlie is helping Jackson open some marshmallow bunnies.
And Jackson is showing them to me. A week later Charlie was taken to the hospital, and we were able to visit with him there before we left. Brian and I took turns going in, and I am so thankful for the special visit that I had with him. When Brian came back out to the van his first words were "what a gentleman", which is so true. True to the end. He was a very special and sweet friend, who we will always remember fondly as Uncle Charlie.
Lots of love to all of the family, I'm so sorry we can't be there to be with you all at the memorial service on Friday. Know that our hearts will be there with you and we will be praying for you.
All our love,
The Kings

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