Friday, April 25, 2008

Another week in the life of Luke, Caroline & Jackson

Hola Familia y Amigos!
Happy Spring to you all. Hope all is well! Brian was here for 2 days between the US and leaving on a 15-day trip, so we had some family play and bike-riding time at the beach.
Look out world! Here's comes Jackson!
It was a beautiful day and there were a lot of sailboats out, I thought they were so pretty.
Brian and the kids looking for a good place to play futbol.

Caroline out for a stroll with a view of our favorite church by the sea in the background.
And Jackson doing what he does best. :)
It has been so dry here, and then one day we finally had rain! They were so excited, so they headed out with their rain gear on and tried to find some puddles.
They found a few puddles, but also found a snail that they watched in amazement for a while.
Here he is.

The day it rained was actually the day of Uncle Charlie's Memorial Service. We were hoping to go miniature golfing and out for ice cream in his memory, but the weather was iffy and the mini-golf place wasn't open until Saturday. Then the kids decided they wanted donuts instead of ice cream in memory of Uncle Charlie, so we headed to the one and only donut shop in town "Dunkin Coffee", which looks exactly like Dunkin Donuts. Miss Annette joined us for a snack and coffee.
Jackson wanted her to try on his fireman rain jacket!
Luke got ahold of the camera and took about 20 photos of the donuts, signs, and the manager of the shop. I had to include one.
So the next morning we went to Luke's futbol match, with plans to check out mini-golf afterward. He's in the middle of this picture, his friend Dillon is the blondie in front of him, and the boy beside him in the goal is the boy that I think looks EXACTLY like Brian did as a kid.
Caroline and Jack enjoying a snack while we wait for Luke to get his treat after the match. All the boys get a pastry and drink after they play, it's very sweet. Anyway, I liked this picture because you can see the futbol field and the sea in the distance.

The next two pictures are actually from yesterday, we had a picnic lunch on the beach and let Tarheel play for a while. Luke is throwing rocks into the sea.
And then Caroline joined in the fun.
Miniature golfing! We finally made it there, and really had a fun time golfing and talking about all the times we golfed with Uncle Charlie. The kids had a ball.
Caroline working on her putt.
The three of them posing together. This is something we'll definitely do again, they loved it.

Well, I also tried to post three videos. I finally learned how to make short ones on our camera. I'm not sure if they all posted properly, but they should be included below.

We are now looking forward to the arrival of Nellie & Josh, and my cousins Burnie & Brandon! They're arriving next Friday. We can't wait!
Lots of love to you all. Have a great weekend!

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