Thursday, May 1, 2008

A Lion, A Butterfly, and Jackson

Hola Familia y Amigos!
Last weekend we went to a second-hand market here in Sitges which was VERY fun. The kids got their faces painted as a lion and a butterfly, we sold a few things, and we bought a few things! Here's Luke the lion.
Caroline the butterfly wearing a new shirt we bought for 1 euro.
Jackson didn't want to get his face painted, but that morning when I was getting him dressed he INSISTED on wearing his shark pajama top over his shirt. So he did!
The kids were SO good at the market, I was really proud of them. Having donuts to snack on always makes Caroline happy. Ha ha!

After the market we went down to play by the pool. Luke bought a really cool castle lego-type set that you had to build, so we took that down and had fun building one of the castles while Jack & Caroline played in the water. One of the videos below shows everyone playing by the pool.
Luke is very good at building things, and he sticks with it until it's finished!!
Ha! Sorry I forgot to turn this one. And now I can't figure out how to on blogger. The other day the kids were outside blowing bubbles in the middle of the day in their pajamas! It provided entertainment for quite a while.
Jackson had fun running around trying to pop the bubbles. I opened his bubbles for him, and he walked directly over to the grass and dumped the whole thing out. So after that he was the popper.
One of the videos below is of the bubble-blowing session.
That's it for tonight! We are all ready for our guests who will arrive tomorrow morning. We'll be in touch again next week and I'm sure we'll have lots of stories for you from their visit.
Love to you all!

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