Sunday, May 25, 2008

Los cumpleanos de Luke!!

Hola!! Feliz cumpleanos a Luke!! We've had a great week: Grandma arrived on Wednesday, Brian arrived on Friday, and yesterday Luke had a special day turning 6! The morning started off with rain and his futbol match was cancelled. But by the time of the party the sun was shining and the kids could swim! We were so thankful. Here's a table full of boys having lunch.
Our friend Josep with baby Miquel.
The main event of the day: swimming! It was so fun to see the kids playing and having a blast. All of the parents ended up staying and we had a great time hanging out.
The birthday boy!!
May 24th is actually Miss Annette's birthday as well, so she and her friends came with lots of good food. We had chicken wings, home-made tortilla de patatas, guacamole dip, antipasto salsa, Catalan tomato bread, pasta salad, crab dip, green salad, pizza, dates wrapped in bacon and Annette's famous chocolate cake as well! Luke, Caroline and Jackson provided the sea animals for the cake.
Luke and Caroline posing by the cake.

"Happy Birthday to Luke!"
Luke and Miss Annette blew out the candles together.
Luke had painted a picture for Annette's present, it was very sweet.
Present time! After swimming, lunch, more swimming, and cake, it was finally time for presents. He got so many wonderful gifts, and was very thankful to everyone. He's so great at receiving gifts, he says "it's just what I wanted!!"
All the kids enjoyed watching and helping.

Here's Brian with baby Miquel!
Boys, boys and more boys.
And, once again, Brian pulled through with an amazing pinata! This time it was a shark, to go along with the sea animal theme. It was awesome!!!
Even Caroline got a turn.
The three two-year-old boys had a blast playing on the pool sharks!
Here's Luke taking a swing.
And after MANY hits, it finally broke!
Lots of candy for everyone.
I asked Luke today what the favorite part of his party was, and he said the pinata! I think it was a hit with everyone. A couple of the other Dad's told Brian he could go into business. :)
Everyone seemed to really have a nice time, we were so thankful for the great celebration for Luke and that God gave us a few hours of sunshine to enjoy the day! Even baby Miquel got some gummy bears, ha!
Michael & Julie arrived safely this morning, and after a big breakfast we headed back into Barcelona to church. They enjoyed seeing our church and meeting some of our friends there. We then drove around to show them some of the sights of the city; it was raining again. We ate lunch at Port Olympic, showed them the Montjuic area, and then headed home. Tomorrow we head to the south of France to celebrate our 10th anniversaries! Thanks to all of you who are helping to make this possible!! :)
Lots of love to everyone,

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