Sunday, May 18, 2008

Life Between Visitors

Hola Familia y Amigos!
We hope this finds you all doing well! Here's what we do between visitors, ha! Jackson fell asleep on the sofa and I thought it was so cute.
We went into town one day for the boys to get haircuts, and played at the pirate ship playground for a bit. Luke made a movie which is posted below. :)

Brian pushing Caroline on the swings.
After Nellie, Josh, Burnie & Brandon left, Brian got called out on a trip, and is gone until this Friday. Luke had a futbol match yesterday morning, and he did so great! I was SO proud of him! Then we watched Luke's friend Dylan overnight last night, and went to church today in Barcelona. We were looking for something sort of low key to do, and ended up at Catalunya en Miniatura again. It's such a cute place and the kids just love it. It was fun going back again after we had been to some of these places for real! :)
For those of you who have been to Sitges, here is the famous church by the sea, with the steps, and the old town behind it.
For the twins, here is the cathedral in Girona! The kids couldn't believe we were there. Ha!
Sorry, can't remember where this was...

Here is Parc Guell, which we have been to with Josep, Teresa, Joan & Miquel!
And of course, Sagrada Familia!
Here is Tibidabo, which the kids loved seeing. We were there with Josep, Teresa & Joan before Miquel was born.
Here are skiiers on the slopes of the Pyrenes mountains. Haven't been there yet.
The kids are watching the display of Montserrat. There are buttons you can push to animate some of the displays, and on this particular one you can watch the yellow cable car go up to Montserrat, and here the boys' choir sing.

Listening intently.
What a cutie!
Here is Montserrat!
This time the little train was working so we also got to go for a train ride. Always a hit.
This is the cathedral in Palma de Mallorca, which we saw when we went to Mallorca with Scott & Karen Hoober.
It was a very nice day! This week Grandma Siegrist arrives on Wednesday, Brian on Friday, SATURDAY IS LUKE'S BIRTHDAY, and then our friends Michael & Julie Carr arrive on Sunday! We are traveling with them to the south of France to celebrate our 10th anniversaries together, and we absolutely can't wait. We know the kids will have fun with Grandma too. :)
Lots of love to you all, have a great week!

1 comment:

The lady of the house... said...

try saying THAT 3 times fast~~"pirate ship playground, pirate ship playground, pirate ship playground!" LOVE this post....real life in spain!