Thursday, July 10, 2008

A Day at the Zoo

Hola! To help pass the time before Brian came home, we went to the zoo for the day yesterday! We had signed up for a family pass on-line, and the cards came on Monday, so off we went. We took the train from Sitges, and here is a shot of the kids looking out the window at the futbol stadium where Luke played.
One of the first things we saw was a monkey playing futbol.
And the next thing we saw was two of Luke's friends looking at the monkey playing futbol! Here are Caroline & Luke with Dylan on the left and Nil on the right. We spent some time walking around with them and their Moms, which was nice.
Lazy lions taking a siesta.
Speaking of lazy, this guy was completely out.
When we went to the zoo in the fall, we did not get to see the dolphin show, so the kids were VERY excited about seeing that. Here are Luke & Caroline in the front row waiting for it to start. Jackson said he was too "scawed" to sit that close.
It was a very nice show, with lots of jumps, flips...
and other tricks.

At the end, they let everyone stand around the edge of the pool and the dolphins came by to splash everyone and wave good-bye. Here's Luke right up close.
Then they wanted a picture with the statue out front.
Luke being a roaring tiger!
A pretty peacock that was just strolling around.
Caroline being a giraffe.
The real thing getting some lunch.
They also had a really nice play area there, which we hadn't seen before. Jackson is in the background riding a crocodile.
Watching the hippos swim on the way out.
And the last thing we saw were the meerkats! Luke really likes them for some reason. :)
Luke said this one was on the look-out for hyenas.
We had a really nice time! And it definitely helped the day to go by quickly. Brian flew in this afternoon and the kids just LOVED showing him all they had learned in the pool. He was amazed!! We have a quiet weekend and are then taking a family trip to the Pyrenees mountains next week, we're all looking forward to that!
Love to you all and have a great weekend!

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