Monday, July 7, 2008

Swimming & Other Accomplishments!

Hola!! We've had a quiet two weeks and thought it was about time to touch base again! We've made a lot of progress with swimming, and have a few other accomplishments to tell you about as well! First, on Sunday June 29th we went with Josep & Teresa to his parents' country house, about an hour from Barcelona in the hills. It was a beautiful setting in the mountains! They had a small pool for the kids, which they loved.
They also had an old "foosball" table that was Josep's when he was a kid! Here Luke is playing with Josep's Dad.
Here's a picture of their house.
Kids enjoying snacks: Jackson, Joan, Luke & Caroline.
Jackson making a scary face.
And baby Miquel trying to eat his toys. :)
The following Saturday Josep, Teresa, Joan & Miquel came over to swim at our place. Here Jackson and Joan are on surf boards in the kiddie pool! Just a couple weeks ago Jackson would only play outside the pool, so his big pool news is that he is swimming in the kiddie pool, and even putting his face in the water!
Jackson swimming!
Luke's big pool news is that he can jump into the deep end and swim to the side under the water! He is gaining so much confidence, it's great. He also wanted me to take a movie of him jumping in, which is included below.
Here are Josep, Joan & Teresa, with baby Miquel getting his toes dipped into the pool.
Caroline's big pool news is that she swims under the water with her snorkel mask on!! She has also come a long way and we are so proud of her.
She also loves to get in the big pool with me and swim around holding my hands.
Luke learning to float on his back.
This past Sunday we rode the train to church, which at least is air-conditioned compared to our car, ha ha!
After church we stopped at a playground for a little and had a picnic lunch before heading home. There was a cool zip-line type swing that Luke liked, also included in a video below.
Jackson found a little thing to drive that he called his space ship.
Kids on the see-saw.
Guess who this is...JACKSON!!! He's wearing big boy race car underwear, and is SO proud of himself.

He thought Ezzie might like to see the race cars. He is doing so well with potty-training, and was BY FAR the easiest of the three. It's only been 2 weeks and he's only had 2 accidents. He seems to get it.
Luke's other news is that he got a really nice trophy and medal when he finished futbol!! We missed the last ceremony because it's when we were camping. I had no idea they got anything, but the director called so we stopped by and this is what he got! He is so proud. :)
A close-up of the trophy and medal, they're actually really nice!
This is just a random shot of the kids eating breakfast one morning. I thought they looked cute out there. The barricade under the bushes in the back is because Tarheel has crawled through and jumped into the pool! The neighbors weren't too thrilled about it!
Here the kids are eating dinner Saturday night. The evenings are just lovely and we really enjoy being outside! This picture was taken around 8:30 or 9pm, and it doesn't even get dark until 10pm. It makes it hard to go to bed very early!
Brian has been gone for 17 days and is coming home on Thursday. We can't wait to see him! We hope you are all doing well, lots of hugs and kisses to you!

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