Friday, October 5, 2007

Casa Update

Hi everyone,

Thanks to those of you who have been thinking about us and asking about a house! We've looked at a number of houses and apartments, close to town and out of town, big and small. We thought we had decided on one but now have an appointment to view another one on Monday morning that might have a better location. Today we also considered another town closer to the airport, and when we met with a realtor there it turned out she (who is from Holland) has an uncle and cousins in Lancaster!! How crazy is that??!! So anyway, we're making progress and will hopefully have something finalized somewhere next week. :)

Here are some pictures from the beach today, it was a beautiful day!

Take care and have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Fur maid said...

Oh my word, I'm dying! How gorgeous! How far from your potential house(s) is the beach?

Caroline really looks like Luke in that picture.