Thursday, October 11, 2007

Tarheel in Spain!!

Tarheel and Brian's sister Jess arrived safely this morning after a good flight! She said there was a bit of howling when she checked her in, but after that she calmed down nicely. She was VERY happy to see all of us, and Tarheel was too. :) She's just laying on the floor now hanging out.

We really liked the house we saw last evening, and we're off to see two more places this morning. Then we'll make a decision. We'll post again soon!

Have a great day!

1 comment:

The lady of the house... said...

That is so awesome that Tarheel is in Spain! What a lucky dog! (I don't think I've ever said that and was actually talking about a real DOG!) Looking forward to all the adventures that lie ahead! Tyler is playing with his cars on the floor saying, "bye Josh and Nellie, see you later Josh and Nellie." He basically fell in love with them while we were at the beach together a few weekends ago! Too cute!