Tuesday, October 9, 2007

No Casa Yet

Well the house we were supposed to see on Monday which we were excited about was already rented. We have appointments tonight and tomorrow to see another bunch of places. We're finding it's difficult to find something big enough in a good location that's a reasonable price. The value of real estate here has been shooting up and the dollar has been shooting down. Makes for a difficult situation. But we're hopeful that the right place will turn up. The other challenge is that businesses don't often open until 10 or 11am, and then they're closed between 2-5pm for siesta! So we have been trying to fit in as many realtors and houses as we can.

On Sunday we visited a great church in Barcelona, and chose one site to see. We rode a cable car up to the top of a hill overlooking the sea where there was an old castle and beautiful gardens. We have a book of the top 25 places to see in Barcelona, so we're going to do one each Sunday when Brian is home. We also made some great connections at the church, and through our relocation specialist here in Sitges.

Attached are some pictures from Sunday. Hopefully we'll have a positive house update for you soon! Especially because Jess & Tarheel are arriving on Thursday and Brian is leaving on Saturday!

Hope everyone is doing well. Take care!

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