Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Family Outing & "Bydnastics"

Hola friends & family!

We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow!

I forgot to post a couple photos from Sunday, and I now also have some of "bydnastics" today. That's what Caroline calls her gymnastics class. She was very cute today, and did many more things than last week! The first two pictures are of the family picnic with some families from church. We went to Parc de Collserola, which was over the mountain behind Barcelona, and very beautiful. We were only in one small part of it, I'm sure there was lots more to explore. The rest of the families went on a hike, which we didn't do. After leaving the park we actually drove back into Barcelona to a used car fair and bought a car! We don't have it yet but are waiting for the money to be transferred. The third photo above is one just like the one we got. The last two photos are Caroline at bydnastics. :)

Hopefully I'll have some to post tomorrow of our Thanksgiving feast and Luke playing futbol!



The Kings

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