Saturday, November 17, 2007

Playing at the beach in Sitges


We spent some time yesterday playing at the beach in Sitges and I thought I'd post some photos. There is an area where dogs are allowed, so we took Tarheel along. After throwing the tennis ball about a hundred times she was finally tired! She loves the beach, along with the kids. They brought all their diggers and animals along and had a blast. Caroline and I had fun finding pretty shells, and she liked the ones she could stick on her fingers. One photo is of Brian and Luke by the water where Luke is getting a lesson on where sand comes from. :)

Luke has been living in his futbol gear (even sleeping in his shin guards one night!) But the past 2 weeks we have just watched the practices, he has been a little timid. Next week we are meeting up with 2 of the boys at a park to play on Tuesday, and then they will wait and go into the field with him next Thursday and we'll see if that helps. He was excited about the idea. It's actually his first organized activity, and the language issue makes it a bit scary, so we're taking it slowly.

We were also able to find a sort of gymnastics class for Caroline last week! It's at a local school close to our house. At first she stayed with me on the bench to watch. After about 20 minutes her shoes eventually came off, and about 10 minutes later she was out on the floor! I was so proud of her.

Jackson is talking up a storm and is so funny! First thing in the morning he yells from his bed "Mommy! Where awe you? Mommy! Come ewe! I'm hungwy. I want food. Mommy! I'm cwying!" He copies whatever the other two are doing, and the three of them actually play really well together, especially with their train set or animals.

The other exciting find was that a new small group has started in our town from our church in Barcelona, and it's even in our neighborhood! The couple leading it is from Brazil, and they seem like wonderful people. We're excited about getting to know them better. Tomorrow after church there is a gathering for families with young kids in Barcelona, so we'll do that and then see if there is time for any sight-seeing afterward.

We have ordered a turkey from a local market and are going to have our own little Thanksgiving feast...should be interesting! We hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!! We certainly have a lot to be thankful for.

Lots of love,


1 comment:

Janelle Butterworth said...

I am so jealous at how much Jackson is talking! Kate is no where near that. The most she says (or I should say yells) is "Hap!" (Help) "Owwweee!". She does say mama and has just started saying dada for Rich instead of calling him mama too! It's funny how kids progress differently through these stages. Reyn was like this too, but Meg was talking way sooner. You guys look to be having so much fun. Good job on the Thanksgiving feast. Sounded yummy. Talk with you more later. Love to all.