Saturday, November 24, 2007



We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving day and holiday weekend! We really had a fun time creating our first feast and doing Thanksgiving activities. The kids painted turkeys all morning while we figured out how to cook the thing. With much advice from our friend Annette, it all went very well and actually tasted great! We stuffed the turkey with ground pork, a seasoning mix, eggs and apples, and it cooked for about 4 hours. We also made brown-sugar glazed sweet potato wedges (found the recipe on, which were excellent, a ton of vegetables and some bread. I picked up a chocolate mousse cake roll at the local Patisserie, which was way better than anything I could have made! The pictures here are of the kids painting and their artwork, eating dinner, and the last is one of Jackson "going to work". He started doing this really funny thing when they play. He puts on a hat and sometimes a coat, gets some sort of bag strapped over his arm, and says "Bye-bye, adios, I goin a work." Sometimes he says he's going to the airport. Then he'll come back in a few minutes later and announce "Hola! I home! Howya doin?!" And of course he loves when Luke & Caroline make a big deal about him being home. It's so funny!

Well we are certainly thankful for all of you, our family & friends, that God has blessed us with. We hope you enjoy the next couple of weeks and are reminded often of the true meaning of Christmas.



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