Thursday, October 11, 2007

Obtuvimos una casa!

Ok, so it's 11pm and Jess and the kids are fast asleep, Tonya is out walking Tarheel and I just sat down to update the blog when I hear this funky clapping sound and singing...

So, I go to the balcony and there are about 50 people on the street walking through town with instruments, playing and singing!

Here's a short video clip of the festivities.

Back to the post title. We found a house! No pics yet, will post tomorrow. After looking at 20+ places, we finally found the right one. The longer term rental market in this area is not robust especially for a family of 5 with a dog. Most realtors have houses for sale rather than for rent, so we looked at the vast majority of the places available that met our criteria and this was the last one on the list. It was kind of an afterthought type of thing and we really weren't expecting it to be the one.

It's got everything that we were looking for, except for views of the ocean. And it's got plenty of space for company!

I'll let Tonya post tomorrow and tell you more with pics and all.

Adios y hasta manana!


Unknown said...

Can't wait to see the pics! But, good for you! Looking forward to our trip to visit! Becky

The lady of the house... said...

okay, let me get this straight: the shops don't open until 10 or 11 am, and then they're closed between 2-5pm for siesta, then they party until midnight!! I LOVE THIS PLACE!!!!!!!!!

Bikerman said...

We finally had a day in October that didn't hit 80 degrees here in PA. I am looking forward to the next 80 degree day (on the beach in Spain!!) The 4 amigos can't wait until March. You will have to visit Montjuic on one of your day trips.