Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Estamos aqui!

It was a crazy day... started by finishing up the packing and tying up loose ends, ended lugging 10 heavy bags and 3 tired kids up to a second floor apartment.

The kids were great! What wonderful travelers. The flight was only about 2/3 full so we were able to grab 7 seats for the 5 of us and spread out a little.

Tonya and Jack took naps while Luke, Caroline and I took a walk down to the beach and got some gelato. I think they were too excited to sleep.
We headed down to the waterfront again for some pizza this evening and both of them were asleep at the table before the first piece got down the hatch.

Pray for us tomorrow. We are headed out to look at a couple of houses.

If any of you are interested or need to, you can still reach us by calling our home #(it rings here) or via skype.

Stay tuned...


Sandy said...

I'm so excited for you! have fun house shopping...

love, Em

Anonymous said...

Precious friend - I have been praying for you all this week - glad to hear you are safe and sound
Praying God will open the door to the right house for your family
Love you - Melissa