Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Life in Espana


I thought I'd post an update since Tonya still is without an internet connection and I am away on a trip.

Tonya and the kids are doing great in our new place. Getting to know the neighbors and the area better each day.
We have great landlords! They are a Spanish couple with children our age and grandchildren our kids age. This was their home for the last 20 some years and they've moved a little closer to Barcelona and downsized as well. They are very concerned(attentive) about our wellfare and we feel really blessed to have found this situation! Thanks to all of you who've been praying for us, your/our prayers have certainly been answered!

We hope to have phone and internet before the end of the week... As soon as we do, she will post an update with some pics of the house.

BTW, Tonya's cell # is (34)671968105 if anyone wants to give her a ring I'm sure she'd love to hear from you. Or you can call the our home # in landisville, as I've just set it up to forward to her cell.


1 comment:

Janelle Butterworth said...

Glad to hear ya'll have a home now. The landlords sound like a real blessing. How are your flights going? Where would you suggest we start looking for airfare and what is a reasonable $ for flights to Barcelona? Tell Tonya I said HI and look forward to being able to communicate with her on email.