Friday, October 12, 2007

Short Break in Coverage


Sorry, I don't have pictures of the house to post yet, and when we move today we will not have phone/internet service over there for a couple days. I wanted to make sure we let you all know that. Luke had the camera when we went through the house, and I found that the only pictures we have are of the toilets, sinks, each bed in the entire house, and the stairs. :) I will get some good ones this weekend and hopefully post early next week.

But, we did go for a walk this morning all along the coast with Jess & Tarheel, and I have some good pictures of that. We're enjoying our last day downtown before we move up to the hill. I also wanted to tell you a little more about how we ended up with this house. We first viewed it Wednesday night at 7:30pm. We loved it, but had two more apartments already booked to view on Thursday at noon, so we set up an appointment with the Wed night realtor on Thursday at 1pm after viewing the additional places. The Wed night realtor said we could possibly meet with the owners of the house on Saturday morning and move in this weekend, but Brian would have already left on his trip. SO on Thursday morning, both of our cell phones rang at EXACTLY the same time. On my phone it was the realtor with the additional apartments saying that they both had fallen through and weren't available. On Brian's phone it was the Wed night realtor with the house saying that we could meet with the owners that day, sign the contract, and move in right away before Brian left on his trip!!! We were so excited. We love the house and it will have plenty of room for company! So come on over! The 4th floor is kind of a guest suite with two bedrooms, a bathroom and a nice terrace.

Thanks so much for all of your thoughts and prayers, we couldn't be happier about how it all came together.

Love to you all and talk to you again soon!

1 comment:

vlpeck said...

Hi Guys!

Wow! What a beautiful place to be living! It is so neat to hear how faithful God has been in helping you get a place to live. It sounds as if He has opened and closed all the doors and put you where He wants you. HOME is wherever God sends I will be praying that He will fill your new home with His presence and purpose for every one of you! I am so excited to see what God has in store for you guys on this new ADVENTURE!

Take care and May God richly Bless you!