Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sundays in Barcelona #12

Hola Amigos!

Since we had such a fun-packed week this week I thought the kids and I would do something mellow and very kid-friendly after church today, and it turned out to be a huge hit! We went to the noon service of the International Church of Barcelona, visited with some friends from small group, and then drove to a place I had found in a brochure called "Catalunya en Miniatura". I wasn't completely sure what to expect, and it turned out to be perfect for the kids. It's an outdoor display of the whole region of Catalunya, in miniature! It was so fun for the kids to see a miniature La Sagrada Familia after we had just been there, and to recognize some of the other things we've been doing so far in Barcelona. The first picture is of the kids by La Sagrada Familia. The second is the Tower of Colom by Port Vell in Barcelona. The third is the kids trying to look into the Barca stadium! It was so cute. They had a button to push for many of the things, and when you pushed the button at the Barca stadium you heard a lively rendition of their fight song (there was a game going on inside the stadium). Pretty cute! The next picture is of Montserrat, which they also loved since we had just been there. And the last picture is an overview of many of the sites at Catalunya en Miniatura. They had a number of different trains going around, cars moving on highways, a big airplane taxi-ing at the airport, and they did a great job showing many of the beautiful cathedrals around the region. The kids ran all over the place looking at things, I could hardly keep up with them.

Brian is coming home tomorrow, and then we are leaving Tuesday for the Canary Islands for five days. Our landlords are from there, and so when I called to ask them some questions about the different islands they said they would stop by with some information. When they stopped by they had Christmas gifts for all the kids, and also said they were going to be in the islands the next 2 weeks as well, and invited us to Tenerife for a day so they could show us around that island! They are SO nice and we feel very blessed to have them as our landlords. So we're looking forward to a relaxing time, as well as a tour of the island of Tenerife. I'm sure I'll have pictures to post of that trip next weekend.

Love to you all and have a great week!

1 comment:

The lady of the house... said...

oh, that is soooo cute! what a great place for the kids! have a BLAST in the islands, what a grand adventure!